Tuesday, January 24, 2012

55 Minutes of Fun

This morning I had a fun workout with my dad. He has yet to join the gym; he is using guest passes until he absolutely HAS to shell out the money. :P I'm a lot like my dad, we are both overly competitive and can tend to be sore losers (and gloat when we win). My personal training session last night consisted of working chest and arms, so I wanted to do all cardio this morning. We started off on the treadmill, I jogged a couple of times, not as much as I wanted, and walked. After 35 minutes of that, we switched to the elliptical for 15 minutes. The whole time we were coyly keeping watch on how well the other was doing. How many calories we had burned, how fast we made it to a mile…etc. Once he got about 7 calories away from my calorie burn count, I would speed up the mph. He finally conceded that he couldn’t catch me, so after our 15 minutes was up and I switched to a stationery bike for cool down, he stayed on the elliptical so he could say he burned more than I did on it. Yep…that’s how he is! Tuesday and Thursday mornings are difficult to get to the gym before 6:45 because I also bowl that night and don’t get home until 11:30pm. That makes for a LONG day with no real breaks in between. But I need to motivate myself to get there earlier…at least by 6:30, then maybe work my way down to 6:15 and 6:00am.
I found a Couch to 5k Running Plan that I am going to start. I see people beside me on the treadmill running 8.5 speed for 30 minutes with no breaks. I’m envious and want to be able to do that one day, and soon! I’m going to start the week by week plan to see how I can do. Click to check Couch to 5K Out!

My calorie burning this morning was;

Treadmill : 35 minutes burned 218 calories
Elliptical: 15 minutes burned 145 calories
Cooldown on stationery bike: 5 minutes burned 21 calories

Let’s hope tomorrow can be even better!

Monday, January 23, 2012

And So It Begins...

Good morning and welcome to my blog chronicling my efforts to lose weight and KEEP IT OFF! I am hoping through documenting my story with others, it will encourage me to make the right choices with my diet, and will hold me accountable to my goals. My dream weight is a healthy 160 lbs., which means I have quite a ways to go! I’ll share that in the future (once I build up the courage) but for now let me show you my breakfast.

I am lucky enough to have a personal trainer who I see once a week at the gym. She just started using and endorsing Visalus, which is a shake program to help lose weight, or become more fit. I joined along and today is my first full day working it in my schedule. Two shakes a day is most ideal for weight loss, and I will be able to fit that in some days, but on other days, it will be my breakfast. This morning my shake was Cinnamon Bun.

Visalus Cinnamon Bun - Mix ingredients well in blender.
  • 8 oz. Vanilla Soy Milk
  • 2 scoops Visalus Shake Mix
  • 2 tbsp. Cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
  • 1 tsp. Butter Buds (or Butter Flavoring)
  • 6 Ice Cubes

Finished Product

Granted, I have only tried a few recipes thus far, this was pretty good. Of the ones I have tried, this one is pretty good. It was a little gritty so it could have used a bit more time in the blender, but I will definitely have it again.

No gym this morning, as I'll be at the gym tonight around 5:15pm for warm-up, 5:30pm to meet with my personal trainer, and then bootcamp class from 6:00pm - 7:00pm. It will be a long night, but worth it in the long run! :)

Have a healthy day!